Hinglish Notes: What's The # HashTag

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Sunday, April 10, 2016

What's The # HashTag

What's The # HashTag?

How Do You Do With It?

Its-the-hashtag-signThe symbol # is the name fo Number sign , which is used for a variety of purposes, #' symbol is commonly referred by the expressions pound sign, number sign ,designation of a number (for example, "#1" stands for "number one"). 
On many social media platforms, it is used to declare a searchable metadata tag called a hashtag More 

The symbol is defined in Unicode as U+0023 # NUMBER SIGN (HTML # • as inASCII).
We-can-get-#-hashtag press-shift-With-3 on windows keyboard

Recently " A hashtag is a unique strategy for categorizing messages on Twitter and is seen as a very powerful marketing tool by businesses. The # symbol precedes the tag followed by one or more keywords that will properly lead individuals to conversations and discussions pertaining to a specific topic or theme"

Twitter: How Do You Use It?

when you see something in a tweet that has a # prefix. (The # is a hash symbol, hence the term hashtag or, more commonly now, hashtag.) For example, if you’ve seen tweets related to the recent Cricket Matches, you may have noticed some of them had #T20World etc. in them.

Where do hashtags topics come from?

The company has not created a list of topics that we can browse through to see if there’s one that interests us. any user can create one simply by adding it to their own tweet.

For example, when a plane went down in the Hudson River a few years ago, some Twitter user wrote a post and added #flight1549 to it.

How do you create your own hashtag?

The first thing you would do is a basic Twitter search to see if a related term already exists. These days, odds are it does. In fact, I’ve been trying to think of something so obscure that one doesn’t exist (#underwaterbasketweaving, anyone?) and haven’t had success yet! if you want more than just your friends to use the hashtag, you might want to “announce” it to your followers. For example, I created a hashtag called #tech4ludds for any tweets that people want to associate with Tech for Luddites. I did it by posting this:
Starting a new hashtag for Tech for Luddites. Got a question for me or a great tech tip to share? Add this to your tweet. #tech4ludds

Note :  #hashtag is  not case-sensitive,No spaces,No punctuation,No special                 characters,capitalization is only for readability. 

:#Gravity (or #gravity or #GraVItY, because it’s not case-sensitive) into the Search Twitter box at the top of any Twitter page and hit Enter, you’ll get a list of tweets

How you can make hashtags work for you.

1. Use it to start a topic or discussion.

2. Use it to start a competition.

Hashtags can be used to hold a contest on the internet and create the wider market for your brand. You can use hashtags to invite more people to join and become part of the discussions

3. Host and join chats.

Tweetchats or Twitter chats will increase your follower numbers and boost awareness. You can find hashtags that cover the same people who will provide better insight for your company or business. You can also ask or answer questions and get information quickly by joining these discussion platforms

4. Get information.

Hashtags on Twitter are rich sources of information where you can learn the latest updates and issues pertaining to your industry.
5. Use it to Arrange Tweets.Using hashtags will help you organize your posts accordingly. You can easily find topics that relate to your industry, as well as create hashtags for social or casual purposes.

Note:   All Tweets are not indexed.

6. Gain more followers.

Creating hashtags on Twitter will improve your following to follower ratio. It?s ideal to keep the figures positive so making the right and relevant hashtags will make you more visible to your target audience and entice others to follow you online as well

The Facebook Hashtag: How Do You Use It?

Facebook creates a unique URL for the hashtags used so I can point people to the conversation to encourage more people to use the hashtag and create more relevant conversation. So please don't hashtag #everything ( an example of a pointless hashtag).

A top social media marketer John Haydon Inbound Zombie said that
If you are currently using hashtags in a campaign on Twitter or Instagram, start including those hashtags in your Facebook content.This makes it easier to integrate all your social channels as one

A few quick tips for using #hashtags on Facebook:

1. Use relevant keywords to your business and the audience you are trying to target. (If you are a local business, use the name of your city too).not more than the 1-2 hashtag

2. Use tools like Hashtagify.me to find other trending hashtags related to your specific tag.

3. Don’t put your #hashtag in the middle of the #sentence. That makes #reading the sentence #annoying. See? Instead, write out your whole post. At the bottom of the post, add the hashtags.  

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How to use hashtags on Instagram.

Hashtags are the secret sauce of Instagram marketing. Because there’s no easy method to share someone else’s post, (known as “regramming,” similar to “retweeting” on Twitter,) hashtags become the number one way of reaching a new audience on Instagram.
For example, I teach Instagram to business owners so these are my popular hashtags:
  • #Online Marketing ,#Social Media ,#Entrepreneur ,#BusinessOwner
“More narrow target would be:
  • #InstagramMarketing ,#InstagramforBusiness ,#LearnInstagram
“Then specific to me:
  • #InstagramGal,#suebtips ,#suebmademedoit
“Hashtags become Hubs of content and you want to be a part of the Hub, i.e. the conversation.”
People tend to post a lot of hashtags on Instagram. How many is too many? 
A famous social Marketer Sue says, “you can use up to 30 hashtags per post but I don’t recommend this. It looks spammy and desperate when you do."

How to use hashtags on Pinterest.

When it comes to using hashtags on Pinterest, the experts recommend brand over bland. In other words, make sure your hashtags are branded for your company, not broad terms like “#marketing.”
“If you use hashtags, use one that is unique to your business. For example, if I use one I’ll use #OhSoPinteresting,” says Cynthia Sanchez of Oh So Pinteresting. When the hashtag is clicked by a user, Pinterest “will search for pins with that word used in the pin description or in the URL that the pin links to. When someone clicks on my hashtag most of the results that appear are pins that link back to my blog.”

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How to use hashtags on Google Plus.

“Hashtags on Google+ enable your content to surface beyond the reach of people who have you in circles,”

“You can add as many hashtags as you like, but if you go too ‘unrelated’ you could look a bit spammy, so I tend to add three.

“You can ‘set a frame’ of a post using the image and the title, but also by using hashtags too – vaguely amusing ones can be used to tell people you are in the mood to play!”
And you don’t always have to come up with the hashtags yourself. “The super cool thing is how Google will naturally add hashtags (up to 3) when you don’t add them yourself.” Don’t like Google’s suggestions? Just click the ‘x’ to remove them.
If you’re looking to do some research around a topic on Google Plus, hashtags can come in handy then, too, says Martin. “Click on the hashtags in the corner of any post and [Google+] will ‘flip the card’ and you will see related content, i.e. posts.” (See the animated gif to the right.)
Consistency can help, too. “Once you’ve been active for a while on Google+, we are finding that when you post consistently Google is associating hashtags to people too.”

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