Hinglish Notes: What are the most common English grammar errors? अंग्रेजी बोलते लिखते समय सबसे ज्यादा की जाने वाली गलतिया >

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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

What are the most common English grammar errors? अंग्रेजी बोलते लिखते समय सबसे ज्यादा की जाने वाली गलतिया >

1. Difference between the words ‘lose’ and ‘loose’.
“Lose”  लोस एक क्रिया है हाथ से निकल जाना , नुकसान होना , गुम हो जाना , खो जाना
“Lose” is a verb that means “to fail to keep; cease to have.
eg. Losing your keys, or losing a football match.
“Loose” is an adjective that means “not tight”.
eg. loose clothing or loose tooth.
“Loose” लूज़ एक विशेषण है ,  “ढीला “है
2. People use second form of verb with ‘didn’t’.
eg. I didn’t knew that he was coming. [WRONG] I didn’t know that he was coming. [CORRECT] हमेशा ‘ ‘did’  के साथ क्रिया की फर्स्ट फॉर्म उपयोग होती है
3. Difference between the words ‘effect’ and ‘affect’.  
Difference between the words ‘इफ़ेक्ट’ and ‘अफेक्ट’.
दोनों का अर्थ  प्रभावित करना  ‘effect’ प्रभाव  एक संज्ञा है  and ‘affect’ प्रभावित एक क्रिया है
When you’re talking about the change itself – the noun – you’ll use “effect.”
That movie had a great effect on me.
When you’re talking about the act of changing – the verb – you’ll use “affect.”
That movie affected me greatly.
4. When we say Year it is pronounced as a consonant ‘yee’ hence ‘a year’. It does not start with a phonetic sound of ‘e’.
आर्टिकल ‘A ,AN  , THE    वॉवेल  ” अ,ई ,आई, ओ ,यु” सब्दो के उच्चारण के आधार पर लगते हैं न कि स्पेलिंग के आधार पर

5. “Cope” means “to deal”, “to struggle”So you say “cope with”, not “cope up”. “Cope up” is wrong.
Cope =नियंत्रण ,संभालना ex: friends or family can help you cope with stress 
Anyways is a colloquial variant of the adverb anyway. It has a casual tone and may be considered out of place in formal or serious writing. In such contexts, anyway is safer.
8. Adding “back” is redundant, even though it is sometimes used informally.
“back” व्यर्थ काम में लेते हैं
9. ‘Of’ is a preposition meaning from or out from, belonging to, among, derived from and so on.
Off‘ is an adverb meaning away, in or to a position that is not on something
To say ‘dispose off’ doesn’t make sense as ‘dispose is not a ‘moving’ verb. You could say ‘move off’ or push off’, but to dispose of is to relinquish ownership of something, not actually ‘move’ it.
10. You are choosing one from many. Therefore there is a use of Plural.
11. The simple answer here is that data is the plural form of datum. Therefore it follows that you would have “a datum” and “some data“.
datum :-एक वचन संज्ञा है
data :-बहु वचन संज्ञा है
12.  अलॉट                                                    अ लॉट
13. Dress sense – a good instinct for selecting garments that suit the wearer.
Dressing sense – the sense of doing the action.
Thus, she has a good Dressing sense (Incorrect)
She has a good Dress sense (Correct)

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